Experience the creations of Cultivation Objects, a Brooklyn-based studio founded by Nathaniel Wojtalik. The studio uses an unconventional method of handling materials, frequently obfuscating the distinction between natural and synthetic.
Piece & Quiet is a new collection by Cultivation Objects inspired by the concept of découpé or cut-up in literature, music, and film. The idea that a text, musical score, or image could be cut up and rearranged to produce a new body is the foundation of the aleatoric découpé technique. First came in use as a method by the Dadaists in the 1920s, most notable by Tristan Tzara in his text “TO MAKE A DADAIST POEM.”
In 1960, Gysin used a two-track layered recording and the drop-in composing method to produce the sound piece "Recalling All Active Agents". The textures of the recording speed up, slow down, stretch and reverse, creating a cacophony of words that, by chance, manifest new sentences and phrases. William S. Burroughs included the recording in a compilation and stated in his preface that "when you cut into the present, the future leaks out."
With the design process for the collection influenced by Gysin’s newspaper activity, off-cuts and partially finished prototypes would float around the studio; some more machined and worked than others, and several merely raw materials lying in their natural state. A chair would start with a group of components, and their shapes would then direct the rest of the design, resulting in a distinct visual phrase. Design by intuition is constrained but also expands within the limitations of what may be salvaged.
The Cultivation Objects studio constantly explores forms and materials that require a moment of pause. The projection of forms frequently drifts toward subdued humour while casually veering away from the intrinsic functionalism of furniture. Sit, lean, and observe. Accept – or reject – and embrace.